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The “MindAppz” Mobile App is an Educational App which is powered by Focus-A, a leading online publisher. Students can now study by using their smartphones with just a simple click. Follow along with what they are learning in school or practice at their own pace. MindAppz is a structured educational application with engaging and entertaining game called "Kingaroo".MindAppz features:♣ NEWSFEED is the score updates of all the users playing Kingaroo.♣ Notes are available in MindAppz for Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics and Science for Standard 1 until Form 3. Meanwhile, for Form 4 and Form 5, the subjects are Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics and History. Students can now do their revision without having to carry the textbooks everywhere.
♣ GAME is a unique element in MindAppz that will allow student to answer academic questions and play game at the same time! Academic questions are based on the subject selected prior to entering the game.